About her


Bianca Frölich (37) grew up surrounded by art and antiques. With father Ed, art dealer in Enschede, she went as a child regularly on "treasure hunts", scouring Europe for special art objects. From him she learned to look carefully, to distinguish fake from real, to appraise and she gained knowledge of people. "That's something I never forget. Real father-daughter days. That's very dear to me". 
As a teenager she was allowed to run one of father's antique stores in Ootmarsum. But after a while the world beckoned and Bianca exchanged Overijssel for Boston, Sydney, London and Jakarta where she gained knowledge in real estate, western and eastern art, but also in sustainable development aid and climate change. 

Art always remained Bianca's greatest passion and in all the continents where she lived she learned something about the history and culture. "What I love most about my profession is that every object has its own unique story. The history of the artwork, but also of its owners."

Bianca now buys art on commission for individuals and companies. "The encounters with very special people, the engagements with them and the objects I find for them, is the most special thing for me.


After finishing high school Bianca obtained her propaedeutic phase in psychology and decided to travel the world at the age of 19. She studied in Boston, Sydney and London. Back in the Netherlands she studied Real Estate and brokerage. 

Courses followed:
-Cultural heritage in Transformation: RWTH Aachen university 
-Western and Chinese art ; Masters and classics Tsinghua University
-Science in Art: Trinity college Hartford Connecticut 
-European paintings : University Carlos III Madrid 
-Human Odyssey to political existentialism: Princeton university 
-Tangible things; Discovering history through artworks Harvard x course. 
- Religious Literacy: Traditions and scriptures Harvard X course prof Diane L Moore 
-Religion conflict and Peace: Harvard X course by prof Diane L Moore. 
-The UN Sustainable Development Goals : academic introduction : University Leuven 
-Climate change communication 


2006-2014  Art & Antique gallery holder in Ootmarsum Netherlands
2016-2017  Middle-East (UAE) Art. 
2016-2020 Indonesia social and environmental projects
2019- now  Solena SGH2 Energy consultant 
2019- now Amsterdam Netherlands Art & Antiques expert, seller, collector. 
2021- now Art expert on television van Onschatbare waarde (equivalent of four rooms).

Social impact programs involvement: 
2006-2007 Chair of the study association Real estate 
2011-2014 Committee & organisator charity Art Ootmarsum 
2016-2017 Awareness program "waste-management Indonesia
2018-now Ambassador Salam Toss waste management Indonesia 
2018-now Help Social impact companies
2018-now facilitate creative art projects with art students

The Arena 

As she had the privilege to travel the world, to live in different places and especially around different Cultures/ Religions she started to see and feel the Golden Thread. The spark which connects us all. Like a pilgrim wandering around the world, she tasted the nectar of many civilisations, religions, businesses, governments and unique people & the arena "Theodore Roosevelt" greatest rhetorical triumphs” from “Citizenship in a Republic” became her life lesson.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."  

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