Bureaucracy and climate change

Bureaucracy a burden?

Bureaucracy is the art of making the Possible, Impossible. 
J.P. Salcedo

My vision is not static it's adaptable.

Humanity is going through a massive evolution. The brains of mankind have been changed massively since technology started to accompany us on a constant base. 
Are we still homo sapiens? Or are we slowly becoming a new version homo techno ?

Being negative and kicking against systems is what we constantly do, in a world where many things do go wrong, we should not forget that many things do go very well. 
We are changing so quick that its hard for current systems to adept to these new ways of creation, life, technology, AI. There are so many obsolete models-procedures-systems with pre-historic rules and regulations that we should change our view towards new technology.

Do we preserve what we love ? How can we identify and change non-functional structures?

Leadership, laws, business models and bureaucracy must rapidly adapt to the current speed of change that technology brings, rather than stubbornly wanting to hold onto entrenched systems. No empire lasts forever!! Embracing the new and unknown is essential in today's world. Letting go in confidence is only possible when good leadership dares to make choices and takes responsibility. Today's ostrich politics will not help us grow to the extent we need to in the face of the climate and subsequent drought crisis and water shortage.

When irrelevant laws are dragging us down and keeping us away from growth, we should be able to replace them. 
While we closely observe, preserve and respect what is functional and exchange the non-functional parts with a new enforcement system. 

You have to think of it as an “old computer with a new software system”, it doesn't make the computer faster. 
Or a new computer with an old software system might work faster, only you'll miss essential efficient new functions and features. As long as we do not recognise that these two aspects need to be renewed in a timely manner, we will continue to lag behind the opportunities that technology bring constantly. 

In my opinion Bureaucracy is a massive problem these days. It's not an attack, it is just a detection. Ancient laws are the biggest problem to implement technology, it slows down innovation, it drags down great initiatives in the climate change crisis and it also brings social destruction on equality. 

We must again become explorers discovering a new world, with new values, boundaries, laws. 

What about

What are the characteristics of bureaucracy?

* Focused on rules, regulations, procedures, protocols and agreements
* Nobody wants to take responsibility or dares to take a position: they first check whether we meet all the standards and rules
* Issues are not dealt with in a personal conversation but are examined to see if they are in accordance with the regulations
* Covering up and cover-up culture: if mistakes are made, we do not mind as long as it is not my fault
* Excuse and yes-but culture
* Cumbersome: people are sent from pillar to post
* Standardisation of tasks, routines, rules and procedures

Climate Change 

What is the carbon footprint of our current bureaucracy policy? 

This raises questions for me as to whether we are working efficiently or whether the current administration is actually delaying the climate change agreement. What are the effects of slow moving systems that are held back for years because current rules contradict each other. How much effect does bureaucracy have on slowing down the climate change agreement in general?

Pro's & Cons 

Bureaucracy is characterized by ongoing regulation and systemic coercion. People are balking at the regulatory burden and systemic greed. Yet rules and protocols are only increasing. How can that be? The more rules there are, the greater the chance of mistakes and violations. So we have to tighten up the rules and add new ones to fill in the gaps. An iron logic!

Regulation is self-reinforcing, it becomes pervasive and destructive. What is the explanation for continuing regulation? How do the dynamics of regulatory pressure and systemic pressure work? What are the effects? Bureaucracy is characterized by continuing regulation and systemic pressure. 

Is a tool in the fight against uncertainty and randomness. Provides a degree of predictability. Is an instrument for legal equality and legal certainty. Enables cooperation and thus indirectly supports individual freedom (together we are strong).

Let me explain my vision on the following subjects:

Technology :

New solutions which function in new and innovative ways to automate processes and simplify current systems in renewed ways, are created from a different dimension of vision than current systems and are not easy to regulate by the existing outdated rules and laws.  They exist on a different level.

Outdated law systems and regulation are non-functional when you want to implement new technology.

It would be wise to let Large corporations and tech designers who have an excellent knowledge of what’s existing and how to improve the current system, to let them suggest guidelines for regulation. This will bridge the cap between innovative technologies and the current cynical views towards technology because of the lack of knowledge and understanding from it. 

It is much easier to put the unknown in the “ danger corner” instead of finding a resolution which bridges the cap between current existing regulation and regulation that benefit the future.

The problem with current leadership and bureaucracy is that we want to hold onto systems that have proven not to function anymore. Instead of holding onto the past we should find common ground to embrace the future in the now and accept that current systems need to have an update. As long as our current ways of solving problems is holding onto the past instead of looking to where we are going and adaptation , we are f*cked anyway. We should be open to reinvent ourselves and educate ourselves and regulation systems.  Evolution in general is the best example I can think off,  everything out of balance which doesn’t adapt will eventually disappear, we should not be so afraid of change and implement it.

Our enforcement system should be simplified.

We are always afraid of losing what we have and that means you will loose it eventually, as growth and constructive creation is born out of believe and not out of fear, decline or deconstruction. 

It drags down great initiatives in the climate change crisis

The earth is on fire, massive droughts are the real enemy of the future, the earth is warming up and we are still discussing regulation on covid 8.0. I am not saying covid doesn’t exist , I am saying , put it in perspective of importance within a long terms vision. If we look to the left while real danger is approaching us from the right, we are not as intelligent as we assume we are. That aside: I’ve been active in the environmental industry for some years and I’ve had discussions with all the experts possible , Hydrogen experts, waste experts, government systems, subsidies etc. Amazing initiatives do exist, however it is like a super-marathon without finish line ( if you are not a large corporation) you won't get permits and grants. One question : If permitting takes 2 years before building starts, a common plant takes 2 years to build , means we are 4 years behind. We don't have time. We don't have time. Again, we don't have time. If the climate change agreement is as important to us as we suggest it is, our permitting system needs to change with it.

Regulation and law systems haven’t changed for 200-100-50-10-5- years. 

Instead of creating a complete new set of laws, we still add new laws incapsulating the effect and the capacity of new technologies. Let us discuss the world wide “permit” problem so we get directly to the last point “ Equality”. 

If it takes years to get permits for social housing projects or housing at all. We do face a housing shortage which means that only groups who are able to afford a home ( demand bigger than supply is scarcity is price inflation ). Our so called social system and low income households will have to live with the burden of slow bureaucratic procedures. They are the ones who bleed, while we intend and think that we are social. 

While no one knows where the world is going and we have experienced it all for ourselves during the pandemic. We should create a routemap for our future.  A roap-map that states where we want to go instead of always finding solutions after escalation takes place. We should prepare ourselves for the potential problems we might face in the next 25 years. How are we going to solve water shortages? , how will we deal with the energy crises longterm?  The problem of the modern west is that we are not the new frontiers anymore. We’ve become a heavy bureaucratic system where real longterm visionary leadership is lacking. Societies should be empowered by strong visionary leadership.

We have to prepare ourselves , protect environment and our children for tomorrow.

What if, tomorrow never comes?


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“In the world, we meet the world where it is , anyone is in a different development stage. We are loaded and coded with infinite possibilities.
If a tree is sick and we only change the air instead of controlling the soil it grows from, no one will be able to make the tree better. Bianca Frolich 




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It's very concerning to see that the majority of humanity lives on such low levels of consciousness. This is the real problem of planet earth *consciousness part 2 will explain more please read it. .press here

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